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Hi, I'm Meg, a freelance strategic designer. I help people share ideas and communicate with purpose and intent.

Let's chat
Profile picture of Meg

visual communications • co-design • prototyping • testing • synthesis • data analysis • visual identity • planning • strategy • user engagement

Could you use a little dig out:

Client dashboard design for

Visually communicating concepts, data or progress?

Visual identity and website design for Deborah Byrne

Developing your brand and visual identity?

Visual identity, report design and socials for Bainne Beatha

Developing and designing strategies, action plans or reports?

User research kit for confidential client

Running impactful workshops and user engagement sessions?


My work tends to be client confidential (i.e. not very open for sharing). Here's a sample:

Get in touch

If you'd like to work together, get in touch:

Copyright © 2024 Megan Etherton t/a Open Studio